School Council

he School Council and Children’s Voice


All of the children at Partney C of E Primary are involved in improving our school and their ideas are valued.  We have a School Council made up of representatives from each year group from Year 1 upwards. New School Council members are elected each year by the members of their class.

Our School Council meet regularly and discuss matters which are happening in school life.  They feedback the ideas from these meetings to their classes.  Minutes from the meetings are also displayed in the main corridor, on the School Council notice board, so all the children can keep up with what's happening.  Members of the council can also bring suggestions from their classmates to the meetings for discussion. 

We have a Suggestion/Problem Solving box in the main school corridor where children can also put their ideas or any problems they might be having.  These are read by the Headteacher and, anything that is not of a confidential matter, is fed to the School Council for discussion.

So far this year, the School Council have organised a fundraising event for Children in Need.  The children decided to ask all of the school to come in wearing their onesies for the day.  They also organised a cake sale for pupils and a coffee morning for the parents and carers.  School Council members took care of all the organisation and publicity and helped us to raise a fantastic £120 for the Children in Need charity.  They are busy thinking of fundraising ideas now for Sport Relief.

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School Council members from Class 3 wrote a letter from the children to support a grant application being made by the school to improve the outdoor area.  This was very helpful as they were able to provide a children's view of our requirements.  We were successful in our application.

As well as raising money, the School Council discuss new initiatives in school such as the behaviour code that was introduced this term.  They were keen to discuss the rewards side of the new code and offer their ideas on how good behaviour should be valued - something we're very keen on at Partney.

The School Council members met with two visiting governors to discuss safety in school.  This discussion allowed the children to answer questions and offer opinions about how safe they feel in school as well as discussing the school rules.  Governors were most impressed by the School Council and how much they all knew, from Year 6 to Year 1, about our school.