School Day

The School Day

The school day begins at 8:45 (doors open at 8:35) and ends at 3:15.


School Rules


  • Uniform should be worn unless stated otherwise
  • Safety and behaviour talk must be carried out by Teacher beforehand in conjunction with the completed risk assessment.
  • Children must have no fizzy drinks and disposable lunches where possible.
  • Behaviour Code should be followed.


If a child is absent from school due to sickness and diarrhoea they must remain absent for 48 hours after their last bout to try and minimise the spread of infection.


Please follow and exemplify our Behaviour Policy which is outlined in this booklet.

Physical violence such as kicking and hitting should automatically be sent to Head teacher (Stage 4).

Head Lice

Long hair must be tied back at all times. Parents to be informed and children should be treated as soon as possible.

Jewellery and Valuables

  • Stud earrings only - to be taken out before PE lessons.
  • No scarves, large bows or other head decorations to be worn.
  • Valuables in school (including mobile phones) must always be handed in to class teacher.